We are an EdTech product that enhances the Learnability Quotient of Engineering Students by offering an online student learning center on www.magicmarks.in

There are 3 unique aspects of our MAGICMARKS solution. LEARNING – ASSESSMENT - TEACHING : A 360 degree education model.

eCOMMUNITY: The first component is an online learning management system for the student community, allowing them access outside of class to learn at their own pace and time.

eASSESSMENT: The classroom product is coupled with an assessment platform that allows professors to continually assess student comprehension through semester.

eCAMPUS: The third, is a classroom teaching component of our solution. It is the Digital Classroom model, where syllabus-ready content, using rich media, is streamed directly into college classrooms, via the local LAN.


We are an EdTech business that offers a video-based courseware comprising 52 Engineering subjects, mapped to the Indian College Curriculum. The subjects are across 4 streams of study: 1st year Applied Sciences; Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering.

Student pursuing BTech and Polytechnic Engineering degrees and diplomas can supplement their studies with these videos which offer a promise of effective learning. They can also assess themselves via the multiple choice question papers designed for each module of study, per subject.

We believe there is no other such comprehensive, single-window material for engineering education in the country. The entire courseware structure is copyrighted and follows a complete Learning-Assessment-Teaching program.

Dragonfly has been advised and validated by very senior advisors such as a former Vice Chancellor of IIT Roorkee and Sr Advisor to AICTE along with very senior professors from the IIT Delhi and Roorkee.


  • Dragonfly Education Pvt Ltd was provided an MoU with the UP Technical University (under Prof RK Khandal VC) to license its product Dragonfly Masterclass to the colleges affiliated under the UPTU.
  • Our work has received direct recognition by members of the Pan IIT
  • Finalist at DIDAC 2013, an International Digital Education Event held globally


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